
Navigating the Fee Structure

In the Hi5 Network, a careful structure of fees has been established to ensure a balanced gameplay and sustainability of the platform. This structure is bifurcated into two main parts: the Sequence Creation Fee and the Transaction Fee. Both fees play a pivotal role in maintaining the equilibrium and ongoing vitality of the game by encouraging engagement, ensuring fair distribution of rewards, and providing financial support to the platformโ€™s operational and developmental endeavours.

1. Sequence Creation Fee

The very first engagement with the Hi5 Network begins with the creation of a sequence, an action which entails a one-time fee levied from the initiator. The Sequence Creation Fee is determined by a multiple of the unit reward each beneficiary can acquire, where the multiple is rigidly coded to oscillate between 0 and 10. Given that the unit amount is $5, this translates to a fee spectrum ranging from $0 to $50. The flexible nature of this fee is intentionally designed to regulate the creation of new sequences based on the current dynamics of gameplay in the following manner:

  • Encouraging Sequence Creation: When player activity is highly concentrated within a few sequences, the fee may be attenuated to as low as $0 to stimulate the genesis of new sequences and diversify player engagement across the platform.

  • Discouraging Sequence Creation: Conversely, when player involvement becomes excessively dispersed, the fee can be escalated to up to $50, subtly dissuading the proliferation of additional sequences to ensure a sustainable and rewarding experience for all players involved.

This strategic adjustment of fees, guided by an overarching aim to nurture fair and balanced game dynamics, assures that neither over-concentration nor over-dispersion of player activity hampers the collective experience and reward distribution within the Hi5 Network.

2. Transaction Fee

Subsequent to the establishment of a sequence, each propagation of a letter incurs a Transaction Fee, which serves a dual purpose: rewarding the participants and funding the platformโ€™s treasury.

  • For every letter that is circulated within the network, $1 worth of ETH is exacted as a platform fee, in addition to the fees distributed to all beneficiaries listed on the letter.

  • The allocation of the $1 fee is meticulously planned:

    • Marketing (75%): A substantial portion, 75 cents of every dollar, is funneled into marketing initiatives aimed at elevating the platformโ€™s visibility and attracting a wider audience to enhance the vibrancy and diversity of the Hi5 Network.

    • Team Income (25%): The remaining quarter is directed towards the team wallet, constituting the income for the team whose continuous efforts facilitate the smooth running and constant evolution of the platform.

In essence, the Transaction Fee not only ensures that participants (beneficiaries on a letter) are justly rewarded for their involvement but also sustains a consistent financial influx to the platformโ€™s treasury. This, in turn, empowers the Hi5 Network to expand its reach through robust marketing and supports the team that perpetually strives to enhance the platform and experience for all its players.

Last updated