Initiate A New Sequence

Kickstart a chained letter game with your circle! Dive into a new sequence.


Initiating a sequence requires a payment equal to six times the unit reward designated for each beneficiary. For instance, if the unit reward is $5 worth of ETH, the sequence creation fee would be $30 in ETH.


Initiators have four ways to kickstart a sequence:

  1. Random Beneficiaries & Random Recipients: Create a letter with four randomly chosen, distinct beneficiaries. The initiator becomes the fifth. The letter will then have five RDD (random, distinct, different) recipients.

  2. Specified Beneficiaries & Random Recipients: Choose four specific beneficiaries, with the initiator being the fifth. The letter will have five RDD recipients.

  3. Random Beneficiaries & Specified Recipients: Four beneficiaries are selected at random with the initiator as the fifth. The letter will then have five specific recipients.

  4. Specified Beneficiaries & Specified Recipients: Both the four beneficiaries and the five recipients are chosen specifically by the initiator, with the initiator also being a beneficiary.

Important Notes

  • All beneficiaries and recipients must be qualified, distinct, and different.

  • Wallets with full mailboxes can't be selected as recipients.

  • A beneficiary cannot simultaneously be a recipient.

  • Smart contract wallets are ineligible as both beneficiaries and recipients.

Last updated