⚛️Theories, Simulations & Numerical Insights

Decoding Hi5: Theoretical Underpinnings & Numerical Projections

1. Theoretical Framework

At its core, the propagation of letters within the Hi5 Network can be modeled as a Branching Process. This stochastic process represents the random distribution of letters as they are disseminated across various rounds. The branching mechanism embodies the unpredictable nature of how each participant decides to propagate the letters, making it a suitable model for our platform.

2. Simulations

By using computer simulations, we can project the potential outcomes of the Hi5 Network experience:

  • Letter Propagation: Simulating the journey of a letter as it is forwarded through multiple rounds provides a clearer picture of how fast and wide it can spread based on different probability parameters.

  • Reward Dynamics: Through repeated simulations, we get insights into the distribution of rewards, identifying patterns and potential hotspots of engagement.

  • Financial Scenarios: By introducing different financial conditions into our simulations, we can forecast various potential outcomes, allowing for better strategic planning and risk management.

(Graphs are to be added soon)

3. Numerical Snapshots

To offer a tangible understanding, here are some snapshots from our numerical results:

Note: Consider adding actual figures or infographics here for better clarity.

  • Round 2: [Snapshot of results after 2 rounds] (To be added)

  • Round 3: [Snapshot of results after 3 rounds] (To be added)

  • Round 5: [Snapshot of results after 5 rounds] (To be added)

Last updated