Attach to an Existing Sequence

Ever stumbled upon the hi5 network and wished to be part of an ongoing letter sequence without starting a new one? The "Attach" function has you covered!

Users can easily link their wallet to a specific sequence and receive a copy of its most recent letter. For instance, imagine a sequence initiated by a SocialFi project with a sequence ID (sid) of 12 and a depth of 10. Alice discovers this and wants to join the community. Instead of initiating a new sequence, she can simply activate the "Attach" function, specify 12 as the desired sequence, and voila! She receives an additional copy of the latest letter from that sequence.

Afterwards, the choice is hers! Alice can decide to propagate the letter or explore other options. Regardless of her choice, attaching offers a hassle-free way to connect with the hi5 network.

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