📜Smart Contract & Auditing

Contract Integrity and Assurance

  1. Introduction & Purpose: The project Hi5 Network has one core contract HighFive.sol.

  2. Deployment Information:

    • Network: Goerli Arbitrum

    • Contract Address: 0xBb6084f655EeFd6CA6c10bD03aEF0f2E06367d8e

  3. Interface/ABI: (Link to ABI will be added here)

  4. Key Functions:

    • initNewSequence

    • attach

    • propagate

    • addToPool

  5. Upgradeability: The contract is not upgradeable and the logic except for tuning parameters is immutable.

  6. Governance: The tuning parameters can be adjusted by the administrator wallet which will be set as a Safe multisig wallet requiring 3 signatures out of a total of 5 wallets. The tuning parameters cannot be changed out of the range hardcoded in the contract to limit the previledge the governance wallet has.


  1. Auditing Firm:

  2. Auditing Date:

  3. Auditing Report:

Last updated